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██║ ██║██████╔╝███████╗ FLARE IDA DECOMPILER LIBRARY
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FIDL is a library wrapping the Hex-Rays API, allowing you to leverage Hex-Rays decompiler power to perform better binary analysis.
The Hex-Rays API is notoriously difficult to use. If you have ever tried to do so, you know. If not, then you are lucky :)
Getting help¶
Having trouble? We’d like to help!
- Looking for specific information? Try the Index or Module Index.
- Ask or search questions in StackOverflow using the FIDL tag.
- Report bugs with FIDL in our issue tracker.
First steps¶
- Installation
- How to install FIDL and verify it
- Known gotchas
- List of quirks or things good to know
- Getting started
- Basic usage to get you started
- Core API
- The core API documentation